Friday, April 27, 2012

Here Is A Powerful Example of Marketing Business Plans

The first example of marketing business plans is the email marketing strategy. Companies pay people to find them lists of email addresses and they send out emails describing their products and services to the people on these lists. Sometimes you get on these lists when you sign up for an account online and agree to receive mailings from the store you are signing up with and their partners or affiliates.
Another example of marketing business plans are the catalogs that companies have printed that showcase all of the merchandise they have in their stores and the prices of the merchandise. This particular style of marketing has been used for many years and is very effective. Since technology has given us the internet and internet shopping abilities some stores have their catalogs online rather than actually doing paper printings but the concept is the same.
Another example of marketing business plans is when a company hires employees to call people at their homes and alert them to the products and services that their company has to sell. This method has been used for several years and in some areas is actually an effective means of marketing.
Another example of marketing business plans is for a company to print flyers or brochures and circulate them throughout a city or town. Sometimes these flyers and brochures are sent out as a part of a direct mailing program and sometimes the company will hire people to hand these flyers out to people in malls, stores, and at local events.
Another example of marketing business plans is when the company purchases a space to place a kiosk in a mall for the sole purposes of promoting their company or the products that their company sells and services.
Another example of marketing business plans is when a company places a direct sales force out in the community whose job it is to get the message out about the company and the things they have to offer.
Another example of marketing business plans is for a company to rent air time on local radio and television stations. The company will then have the information regarding their company spoken by the radio personality or will film a clip so that people can view them during the station breaks of a television program.
Another example of marketing business plans is when a company takes out an ad in a newspaper, magazine, or on a billboard in their community. Many times at the youth athletic fields companies will donate money to the athletic divisions for the right to hang a sign up advertising their business around the field where the sport is played. Then all of the parents who come to watch their children play the sport will see the advertisement and know that this company supported the athletic organization their child was involved in.
Another example will be the advertisements that companies place on the social media sites. These advertisements are highly visible by many different people and they draw a lot of traffic to the web pages of the company.
You must learn more about Example of Marketing Business Plans and other marketing secrets.Thomas Freers is an Online Marketing Coach for what is arguably the World's Largest Internet Marketing School available today. He specializes in Article Marketing, Social Media networking and various other marketing strategies and works with small and large companies to help them customize their marketing campaigns. With over 50 different marketing strategies available today you must learn which one suits your personality. To learn more about Thomas Freers and to see more effective principles to explode your Internet business to create big profits and get results go to

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Business Plans: What Is It and Why Do I Need It?

A business plan is defined as a formal statement of a set of business goals, reasons why they are believed to be attainable and how you plan on reaching those goals. It can also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals.
What are the uses of a business plan?
A business plan is often prepared when you are starting a new organization, business venture or product, or if you are expanding, acquiring or improving any of the aforementioned. It is also used to plan your goals on an annual basis in order to track your progress and make course adjustments.
What are the benefits of business planning?
There are a number of benefits of doing business planning, including the following:
· To identify any problems before implementing plans.
· To get the participation and commitment of those who will help you implement the plans.
· To establish a roadmap to compare results as the venture moves forward into reality.
· To achieve greater profitability.
· To obtain financing from investors.
· To minimize the risk of failure.
· To update your plans and operations as the world changes.
· To clarify your goals and strategies.
However, business planning doesn't end with the business plan. When you start a new venture, you've spent a lot of time on the planning process and are now ready to put them into action. The early period always carries surprises so you better be prepared to find out that what's on your business plan may not go exactly to the point.
What could affect change in your business plans?
· Your market research could be wrong. It doesn't matter how diligent and thorough you were with your research, without thorough knowledge of the actual business you may have interpreted facts or data incorrectly.
· Changes in the economy. The economy is in constant change and customer ability, interest and ability to purchase can change dramatically overnight.
· The product or service may not be what you've projected in your plans. In a new business with multiple products or services, it's important to listen to customers, both those who buy and those who don't, and revise the mix if necessary. The first six months of a business are important in the business planning process. Be flexible in the product line and be open to changing to meet market interest.
· Let customers shape the product and message. The best way to get the right message out to your target customers is to ask them what's important about the product or service you are offering. Focus on this feedback to help improve your business while not sacrificing your integrity.
· Figuring out the right marketing strategies. Part of the business planning process is how you plan on marketing your organization's product or service to attract customers. Drawing from the above points, word of mouth can be more effective than all other marketing activities. People who know you and your organization, as well as satisfied customers and those in your various networks can help you get your foot in through their networks than all of the marketing materials you can make. Focus efforts on these people and let your product speak for itself.
© 2012 Incedo Group, LLC
Linda Finkle, CEO of INCEDO GROUP, works with innovative leaders around the world who understand that business needs a new organizational growth style. These innovative leaders know that powerful cross-functional communication is the highest priority and the strongest strategy for building organizational effectiveness. To find out more, visit:

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